Monday, May 7, 2007

The Whirling of my mind

I finally feel human again. I can walk without limping, I can breathe without wheezing. Finally a day of humanness. So I went for a bike ride with my family. We went to the teeny tine Stirling pond type thingy. Not the marsh but the fishing pond. It is a block from my house.
I got many books read during my sabbatical from good health. I read, Star Girl, Caddie Woodlawn, Tao of Pooh, Ella Enchanted, The Little Prince, and bits and pieces still of Zen and Art of Motorcycle maintenance. I can't get my brain into it. I am trying.
I learned a lot, many epiphanies. We had thankful weeks around our learning. We were thankful for Math and did math all one week, We were thankful for science and had a blast with a small volcano Hannah made and vinegar and baking soda. This week we are thankful for time because Megan wants to be better at telling time. I got a new clock that moos from Fred so I took down my dollar store special and I am letting the kids use it and manipulate it just have hands on with it.
One funny symptom I am still having is I can't think of words. Hannah and I were sweeping the floor and I wanted her to get the dustpan,I said "OK now go get the ........Um the..... That thing", "What thing?", "Hold on while I think of the word....."' Hannah "The dustpan?"' "Yeah that thing" So I have turned into a bear with very little brain.
So we are thankful for telling time. Hannah wants to be thankful for art next week. I think that will be fun. I want to be thankful for nature walks and successful Forums. It will be good I know it.

1 comment:

arlene said...

I love your concept of going with thankfulness. What a great idea!