Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Shes pretty Cute.

Personalities and Politcs.

For the sake of politics is it still virtuous to swallow otherwise rudely said words? I wonder if that even made sense? When faced with an extremely strong personality that is rude, belligerent, and otherwise incredibly nasty, for the sake of future possible politics are you still a good person if you let it alone?
I have recently encountered such a person. Mind you he is young. But every time I had to interact with him I truly wanted to hurt him. His pride for himself shown through at every encounter. He is so incredibly wrapped up in himself that he can not see the forest through all the trees. There I vented I feel better. But I feel I may have certain encounters where he is involved and everyone else seems to love him which I am not saying he in undeserving of love because he is deserving of love but everyone assumes he is so great and I wonder what has he done. Here a friend and I work our butts off to provide experiences for people he shows up telling us how to do it and I wonder Where is your experience? What have you done to Deserve telling us what to do?
Now I sound prideful. But I believe I have paid my dues to deserve a certain amount of respect. I didn't just go in demanding it. I worked. I cried. I organized.
What would Jesus do? Love one another. Therefor I must love this young individual. He is young and I believe in time will get to be great .
So then what can we do if politically or career wise speaking we have to work with someone that truly rubs us the wrong way? My normal answer is to be incredibly passive aggressive, but that hasn't really worked for me in the past.
I guess I am taking this so hard because there is only a very small list of people I don't get along with its a new thing for me. Pride Pride Pride. Now I'm being proud.
So in my passive aggressive tendencies I write a blog about this anonymous person. Passive aggressive woman strikes again. That would be a really cool super hero. I can see it now, I'll help you out of your terrible situation and if you don't thank me I'll glare and poor water down your pants and pretend nothing happened. ha ha ha ha ha. Then I'll drive your car into a swimming pool and walk away like I did it every day. ha ha ha ha ha.
I'm going to have to think of future adventures for Passive aggressive woman. I think I can have a lot of fun with that.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Finally A New Post

It has been a whole month since I last posted. So much has happened. I have decided to start a new distance studies program being offered by GWC. It will be a group of us getting together once a month for 2 days with a mentor from GWC. I also will have biweekly calls from my mentor and a bi weekly teleconference. It will be intense but it will be a great growing opportunity for me. And hopefully by the end of 6 years because I have to go slow I will have a bachelors degree to show for it. Actually I know I will. I would go full time and get it done is 6 but I have 6 kids and a house and a yard and a dog and now 2 budgies.
We have a court date to adopt the 2 we have been trying to adopt for 2 years. I am very excited about that, and Fred was cast in a TV show. It may be on a lousy Channel but Fred Hillyer is on TV.
My Internet has been acting really weird and I can only get on sporadically and when its windy. At this point Dial up would be better. But they said they would come fix it so hopefully they come soon.

Here something for you old canadians