Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I need a good book to read

This is me trying to get everyone to sit still for a group picture with my new digital camera. I never got the shot and gave up.


Anonymous said...

Life of Pi by Yann Martel is really good. So is Kiterunner, can't remember the name of the author.

Anonymous said...

Just found out the name of Kite Runner. It's Khaled Hosseini. And I just found out about The children of Hurin, by none other than J.R.R. Tolkien.

Kathleen said...

How about The Chosen?

Kathleen said...

Or Alas, Babylon?

Kathleen said...

Or your scriptures? :)

Anonymous said...

Whoops, just noticed a booboo in my last post. I meant the name of the author of Kite Runner.