Saturday, April 7, 2007

Looking for new template

If anyone knows where I can download a nice springy yellow template please let me know. I really want a yellow template. I looked a bit today but had to give up when Hunter decided to empty the whole 18 litres of water from our water cooler onto the kitchen floor. It was pretty exciting. It leaked thru the floor and started to drip into Keirsten and Liza's room. that actually how we found out about it. Liza came running to Fred and said "Daddy there is water dripping from our roof." Fred said "That's not good" He got up and noticed Hunter standing in front of the empty water cooler in a puddle of water soaking wet looking fairly innocent with his finger still holding the spigot down. I laughed because it was all so very funny. It took every towel we could find to clean it up. It was a full bottle He emptied all 18 litres onto the floor for you American types that is 5 gallons. Be of good cheer with multiple core phase children.
So yes a yellow template would be nice. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

we missed you at dinner, how are you feeling?

Anonymous said...

Interesting, I had no idea that something like this would ever occur to a boy Hunter's age. Was Hailey(sp?) in on it too?

Canadian Mommy said...

Go to template, pick a new one (like the minima one) and then edit the colors. You can change background, font and link colors.
Let me know if you need more help than that! lol!