Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Still bad health

I am going onto day 6 of bad breathing. It is moments like this I'm glad I studied Yoga. I have to force myself to breath with my diaphragm or I get all dizzy and I start to see the world close in like the end of the old Warner Bros. Cartoons. That old black tunnel.
But I finally went to the Doctor yesterday, his guess was that it could be a blood clot in my lungs. Very fun. I had a bunch of tests done yesterday, another treatment of nebulizer, and a shot to the tummy to help thin my blood. Now I have a pretty bruise on my Tummy. If the test comes back positive I will need a series of needles to my tummy so it will be nice and pretty by the end of this week. I am trying to use my powers of visualization to make it go away and have no blood clot.
I won't know until this afternoon. I am a bit scared. I called my Mom and told her and she panicked a bit which did not fill me with confidence. But I am sure it is not that. I am only 29 I have plenty of Blood Clot free years.

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