Sunday, April 15, 2007

Wonderful weekend with the youth

I got back yesterday from helping a friend with a fantastic Liber Knights trip. It was only 24 hours but it was good. We had the kids read the book "No Time To Say Good Bye" It is a good book written for 11 - 13 year old's about the residential schools governments forced aboriginal people to go to . It was done in a nice clean way.
We then had a simulation where we took the kids to a near by high school and told them that Homeschooling had been made illegal and they were to be sent of to a reform school in Nova Scotia to be reintroduced into the public mainstream school, and if they or there parents fought back they would lose everything and go to jail. It was pretty good. It only lasted about an hour the kids were ranging in age from12- 14. The debrief was amazing. Some of those kids are so thoughtful and kind. I found it truly amazing what some of them learned from the debrief and experience from the simulation. The difference between simulation and play is the debrief at the end.
The 5 pillars to a great education are Classics, Mentors, Field Experience, Simulations and God. I am glad that their is a group of like minded people that can get together and help to provide these experiences for the youth. Megan my 8 year old daughter really wanted to go but the age cut off is 12. So now she is counting down to when she can go, 4 more years.
a great article to read is
Well that is fantastic I learned how to do links.

I was telling my husband Fred that I like the kids that have grown up with Leadership education at the fore front of their lives. They don't really care about being cool, they accept everyone, they are phenomenal thinkers. I am happy to live in a time and country where it is legal that I can choose the way to educate my kids. I have been coming across a ton of opposition for some reason. I have been having to explain what I do to more and more people. I guess it is only fair, I am planning some great things for the future, but why does this have to be met with such opposition. So many people automatically take the defensive when I tell them what I am doing. "Oh I could never do that" "You are crazy" or my mother in laws new beef "You are gone a lot fixing yourself don't you have any time for your kids", why can't she see I am doing this for my kids and when I am home we have a fantastic time of inspiring, of trying to simplify, and mentoring them. So much to learn and so much to teach.
I am all over the place again. My poor brain can't keep a train of thought. I am also venting.
I had a fantastic weekend watching those kids grow and learn, and it renewed in me again what it is I am trying to do. I want my kids to be better and wonderful and fantastic and whole like those kids from the liber knights I just helped out with.

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