Sunday, September 16, 2007

I am so happy and grateful for my healthy body

I have had a sinus cold for 14 days now. I haven't been able to smell anything for 14 days which is not so bad when you have 2 almost potty trained toddlers. But the thing that amazes me the most is the amount of snot the human body can make. It is really amazing and also the colours. Its like a rainbow coming out of my nose, red and green. It is very exciting.
So if anyone nose (pun totally intended) of some good remedies to help with a head cold I am about ready to try anything. The Sinutab is not working and the Advil Cold and Sinus works but for only about an hour than I am plugged up again. My Aunt suggested a neti pot but I don't think I'm talented enough for that. That is a pot you put a saline solution into and put it into one nostril as it runs out the other side. I might just end up choking on snot and saline solution. It would sound good in an obituary. I could be in the ranks right along with Momma Cass.
I am thankful for my children. They are excited to learn every day and I am excited because I get to learn right along beside them.
If you could do anything to change the world for a better place what would it be?

p.s. sometimes I think I have ADD. "Hey guess what I can do? I can ride my bike, hey look a cat."


Kathleen said...

I'm sorry, but some of those random comments made me laugh!!

I wish I had some help for the head cold, though...

Kathleen said...

Ideas, I meant.