Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Love Affair

I have discovered a new love. I like to call them books. Some are written by men and some are written by women. I have been a bit upset and nervous about the upcoming events in my life and a good book can usually put it all in perspective. One line from a great and wonderful book can put so much in line that you are able to go on and relax you know life will be OK. "that book or that person who can give me an idea or a new slant on an old idea is my friend." Louis L'Amour.
The ones I am particularly enjoying right now are the ones written by Louis L'Amour. He has written many many books, most of them westerns. I have been trying to read the Sackett series which are good and bad at the same time. Good because you can learn a lot from them, and bad because when I pick one up I tend to forget the house. But luckily enough most of them are thin enough I can finish them in one day, with the welcome interruptions of runny noses, poopy bums, and meals. Laundry on a Sackett day forget it.
I am reading right now Louis L'Amour's Autobiography "Education of a Wandering Man" What a great book and I am only on chapter 3. I have been having epiphanies one after the other.
Is reading a book about learning facts or learning about yourself? I think if you read a book and are better for it then you are getting an education.
"If I were asked what education should give, I would say it should offer breadth of view, ease of understanding, tolerance for others, and a background from which the mind can explore in any direction. Education should provide the tools for a widening and deepening of life, for increased appreciation for all one sees or experiences. It should equip a person to live life well, to understand what is happening about him, for to live life well one must live with awareness" Louis L'Amour "Education of a Wandering Man"
I have been searching for what education means to me and here he sums it up and 3 sentences.
I have not been this epiphenated (for lack of a better word) since I read Viktor Frankle's "Mans Search for Meaning"
So for those of you out there this is a borrowed book and Christmas is coming ....hint hint.


arlene said...

Hi Peggy,
I'm not much of a fan of western's, but I LOVE Education Of A Wandering Man! I know exactly what you mean about getting "epiphenated". Great word!! LOL I recommend this book to everyone! His reading list alone was worth the price of the book. I started keeping a list of everything I read after I read his lists.
His education was spectacular...and it was all from real life. He is an amazing mentor!

Easy as Epicure said...

You never have to convince me that reading is a good thing! I LOVE BOOKS. If something has 2 covers and pages in between it is in my hands. Keep up the good work Peg