Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm it

I was tagged by Kathleen, Hey can we tag the butcher?? Here are the rules

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.

2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Random facts about me hmmm

1. When I was 12 I licked a slug on a dare

2.I have a tattoo on my back

3.My middle name is Ethel.

4.I Love Country music (sorry Kathleen)

5. I was born in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan

6.My favorite vehicle is a 1983 Dodge Ram truck

7. When I was in grade 10 I accidentally died my hair green and my Uncle John would sing "Beauty School Drop Out" from Grease every time he would look at me.

I shall tag Stacy, Karina, Beth,

Monday, February 25, 2008

Fun with the Camera again

If you follow this post you will know I LOVE hoar frost. so here are some more pics I took the other day.

Yes the Christmas Lights are still up. I am guessing they will never come down...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Taiko Drumming

I took some of my kids to a Nature In Mind Arts Festival today. There was one very neat number with Taiko Drums. It was a great experience to sit and listen to them play. There were probably 10 or so drummers and the sound was great. The drums are big and as my 6 year old pointed out as she covered her ears, very loud.
I did a quick Google on the internet to find out more about Taiko drum and found out they were used in Japan in war and in royal court and became a symbol of religion. Thank you Wikipedia.
What was interesting is that as I sat listening to these great and awesome drums, I was moved to tears. I welled up with emotion and cried, not a sad cry, but a hey there are things greater than you, and time to get to work on being better cry. It was humbling and inspiring at the same time. I greatly enjoyed the Taiko Drums.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I feel like writing

Well I have come to the self diagnosis that I have SAD. Seasonal Affect disorder or whatever its called. The sun is shining today and it looks like spring and it makes me so very happy. I feel confident and light. But being this is Alberta you know that when the sun shines in February it won't last for long. So make Hay while the sun shines.
The kids played outside today for 2 hours which for them is quite a feat. I can barely get them to go outside for 30 minutes.
The thermometer from my window says 12 C How great is that?
I also got the flyer done for my big Forum in May. On the 10th. For those of you Tjeders I organize a big forum like the one Dianne Jeppson does in Salt Lake city. It should be good and exciting this year.

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Weather

The weather here today is fantastic. I have sent the kids out to play and to see if there is enough Snow left to make a snowman. Heres hoping.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


I just watched a video on you tube that killed a Mickey Mouse look alike then blamed it on the jews.............

How do you fight propaganda like this? I can not believe they are teaching their children this......
I am speechless....

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Kids fun

The kids wanted to build a fort out of blankets. This is their masterpiece.