Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Call

I am going to take a plunge. I am feeling the call. Has anyone here heard of the Hero cycle. Joseph Cambell has studied mythology and has drawn the diagram as above he calls the Hero Cycle. Its not quite as I learned it but its close. He has written a book called the hero of a thousand faces.
I am about to embark on an adventure of my own. I am feeling the call to go back to school. How very exciting. I will be taking distance study classes, one at a time because keep in mind I still have 6 children that I home school. I am on the 10 year plan to a bachelors degree. It will probably take that long but I feel it needs to be done. The thought keeps me up at night. I want to study the humanities, Philosophy, History, Literature, Art, Music, and yes I guess Math. I guess because math is truth math is beautiful. I need to search more to find the beauty in Math.
I will be starting this fall, and away I go.
Dr Demille of George Wythe College teaches the hero cycle slightly differently, but the call and roadblocks are still the same. Needing a mentor, knowing your Tests, Traps, and trials. This can be the path to success.
But the Call is coming in loud and clear. I will answer or I will stay on the path to mediocrity.

Just an update on August 18 I have decided not to go back this year. It is a right thing for me to do but not a right now thing... Odd but true...


Mary Siever said...


You and me both and so we do it together. The exact same way, so glad I am not alone! It's hard work but WE WILL DO IT!!!!

arlene said...

You go! Yay Peggy!! I know you can do it.
You're full of passion and honesty.