Sunday, April 6, 2008

A great day

I want to talk about a great day I had the other day. It was on Friday. It was a defining day. One that says you are a Homeschooling Scholar Mom.
My 7 year old Daughter was bouncing on the exercise ball reading Harry Potter to me, I was changing a poopy diaper and between wipes I was writing out math equations on the white board for my 5 and 6 year old daughters.
For some people this may seem quite hectic and really it is but I remember thinking at that moment that this is who I am, I home school my children and this is what it looks like. I felt a great surge of happiness well over me and it was a great day. I was in the company of the greatest souls who ever lived and I was humbled and inspired because of them.
We read many books that day. I was inspiring as the mother mentor, and some of my reluctant readers went on to start books on their own, HURRAY!! That to me is a good sign of great inspiration.
I am happy to be in the mind set I am in. I am a mother and an educator. At this moment I wouldn't change that for anything.


K~ said...


Kathleen said...


Mary Siever said...


Oh how great, because yes this is me too! Wonderful isn't it??