Wednesday, April 9, 2008

They were seperated

Due to the miracle of adoption my youngest 2 are 7 1/2 months apart in age. People always ask if they are twins, I say no, they ask how far apart are they I tell them 7.5 months and then I get looks of great wonder. I have actually thought of carrying around a camera to take pictures. I usually say well I am wonder woman,... no one was adopted.
Any way I digress. Yesterday Birth dad came for a visit. Fred, Haley, Kirsten and birthdad all went into town yesterday. Poor Hunter stood at the door in total and complete shock that Haley was leaving without him. Then it hit me this is probably one of the first times they haven't gone out together. They do everything together. He couldn't believe it. All day he kept asking to go in the van. "I go in van mom". He kept opening the door to see if they were home yet. I finally talked Megan into taking him to the park across the street from our house.
It was kind of interesting. I never realized how much they were together until yesterday.
Should they do more separate things? Should we take them out one at a time?


stacy nicol said...

You've asked some good questions Peggy. When it comes right down to it only You, Fred and Heavenly Father has the answers...everything else is just a suggestion.

You are awesome. Love you.

Heather said...

I think that the one at a time thing is great. We make sure to let Ben and Drew have their "mommy or daddy" time without each other. I know that is hard for you causee you have more kids, but it seriously makes them feel really good!

Redneckliber said...

I agree it is nice. I rememeber the few times I had my Mom all to myself.
I will try to make that a priority.

Mary Siever said...


Just found your blog, how lovely :) You need to check out Kim's (well ours, along with others)

Anyway, onto your last question, yes, I agree with Stacy, you, Fred and Heavenly Father have the answers. And there is time enough for apartness. It is amazing how close Hunter and Haley are, and also it is a beautiful thing. This young time is a blessing and the day will come when they will rarely do things together, so it will come naturally in it's time.

But yes, individual mum and dad time, that too is a great blessing!