Saturday, August 11, 2007

To much sadness today

Well I am sad today. The birth father of the girls I am in the process of adopting is contesting the adoption. I mean really he hasn't seen them in over 2 years. He sent money once at the beginning and now he feels the need to be the little bastard he is and contest the adoption. Just because he got my sister pregnant and has run out now he feels the need to hold things up by another month. We have to go to court on Monday as planned but not to finalize things but to hear jerko sperm donors demands. Where does he get off even thinking he is a Dad? Maybe someone should tell him it takes more than $500 every 3 years and more than one Christmas present very second Christmas to be a good dad. Like he should even have grounds to make demands on. I think if you haven't made any attempt in over 2 years to see your kids then perhaps you should lose your right to them. If he wants to be a part of their life then fine be a part of their life but this is freaking ridiculous. And I still have half of my family coming. Like I feel like cleaning and washing sheets for everyone. And to top everything off I was in Cardston yesterday I filled up my Van with gas and went in and my card was declined. It was truly turning into one of hte best days of my life. No credit and stupid asshole birth father decides he should make demands. and hold up the adoption just because he can. Truly at what point does he not have the right to do that. He has made no attempt to see them in over 2 years. The youngest one has no idea who he is.
Here is the truly scary part that rips my heart out. I have absolutely no legal hold on those kids. If he up and decides he wants them back to live with him there is shit all I can do about it. I could lose 2 of my babies on Monday and there is nothing I can do about it.


Kathleen said...

I wish I had something to say, but I don't, so I'll just pray, okay?


Canadian Mommy said...

aw Peg. I don't think a judge will allow him to up and take them from you. There is always birth mommy in the picture. Before they would let him do anything, I would imagine they would try to contact her first? I am only speculating, but for all respective purposes, you are their mother. Yes he is the sperm, but his history alone should deter any judge from allowing him to have them.
Hold your chin up, be the best mom you can be, show the judge you are their mother. No if ands or buts about it.