Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Summer is almost over

I must say it has been one of the most stressful summers in quite a while. To much going on and not enough time to do it in and the whole court adoption thing took a lot of steam out of me. I know this may sound whinerish but I felt a depression coming on and thanks to the generous nature of my Mother In Law she gave me a bottle of True Hope and it really has been helping. I feel completely different and actually able to cope. WOW. I am glad it is able to be sold in Canada again.
My kids are growing like weeds. We had a 5 year old birthday party today and invited 5 kids but some siblings had to come along so we ended up with 14 kids. It was pretty hectic but we managed.
I am feeling nostalgic.
I was really dreading teh homeschooling thing but I feel this pull for it and I know for my family it is right. I know some of you disagree but I know for most of my kids it is the right decision for them. But I feel like I can take it on.
I went to a fantastic parent seminar last week. The morning was interesting and I don't feel I got all I could of out of it but my attitude was still not quite in the game. But in the afternoon we did a simulation. 5 pillars to a superb leadership education are Classics, Mentors, Field Experience, Simulations and God. So I was able to take part in this simulation it is called life boat. You pretend you are on a cruise ship that is sinking not enough life boats only 6 people can live and you have to give reasons as to why or why not you want a seat on the boat. I died. First I said no then my mom gave me a seat then the captain took it away because there were to many people. Blah, blah, blah. Anyway it really puts things into perspective for you. When I got home I realized I had made the wrong choice and that I needed to fight for my life instead of giving it up so easily. There was no debrief afterwards due to lack of time but it still would have been nice to have it.
It was good to think again, it was good to be a part of a group with like minded thoughts and beliefs, and it was nice to realize where my priorities should be and now will be. interesting the turns life takes you on to teach you what you need to know. I am working on life as a journey analogies but it is to cheesy to share right now.


Kathleen said...

Was lifeboat your intro to simulations?

Anonymous said...

Hey Peg, we want to have a girls dessert night next week sometime, you up for it?

Anonymous said...

When did sacrificing your own life here on Earth, so that someone else may live, become the 'wrong choice'? We have an eternal perspective Peggy...even in times of imminent tragedy, I would hope that we would pray for guidance, and act accordingly to the promptings of the Spirit. Mortal death is NOT the worst thing that can happen to any of us.
