Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What Leadership education means to me

I tried to delete the previous post but it didn't work and so I have now just decided to leave it on. I realize I have a problem with mouthing off before thinking things thru. I realize people have different opinions then I do. My friend Kathy pointed out I wouldn't want my kids to be mentored by terrorists and she does have a point. But I stand by the theory to teach them corect principles and let them govern themselves. I have decided to just explain what Thomas Jefferson Education means to me and realize others interpret it differently.
To me Thomas Jefferson or leadership education means to seek out truth in all things, religion, education, and life in general. I also must learn to be more forgiving and accepting of others and their interpretations of the truth. One of the reasons I homeschool is that the public schools tend to teach one side of the truth and kids aren't given the whole picture just that certain teachers view of the curriculum.I want my kids to be seekers. One example of this is the theory of evolution. I want my kids to learn both theories and decide for themselves what they believe is truth. I happen to be a creationist but after studying both theories, and knowing the principles I was raised with. I guess that is where I differ from most people. If my child came to me proclaiming to have found the truth as far as religion and basic principles are concerned and they greatly differed from mine. I would ask them to try and prove it to me, I would ask them to study very hard both options and the greatest thing I want to teach my kids is to take things to God. I will want them to pray about it after they gain all the knowledge they can. Then if it remains the same,or differed, as their parent I will respect that decision. Now I have small kids and I am sure I am at the point easier said then done. But when they come to me with both sides thought about and studied but their decision is different then mine don't I have to respect that. That is what I taught them, freedom, seek truth.
The five pillars of a leadership education are, classics, mentors, field experience, simulations and God. Maybe as a learning point for our kids while they are under our care is a simulation of what we can do when faced with a mentor of differing religion.
I am sure I am over reacting but shouldn't we be happy for our children when they find truth for themselves. Although I think I would have a hard time if one of my kids became a terrorist.
Thanks for getting me thinking Kathleen. I always write these then don't proof read because I usually have to go change a yucky leaky diaper like right now so I apologize for any loose thoughts or weird sentences.


Kathleen said...

Do you believe one can ever know the whole truth?

arlene said...

I love your broad-mindedness in this area Peggy.
I would certainly do the exact same things if my child came to me and said they were considering converting to another faith, or if they were just questioning their own faith (read: MY faith). The faith I have taught them is obviously the one I believe to be true, or I wouldn't have taught them it's ways, but I realize I am still learning. I have an eternity ahead of me and I will still never know all the Truth.
I personally try not to be too narrow minded, and I appreciate your input. Blogs are a great place to explore ideas! I love TJED'ers! Thank you for all you do for the community. My children will benefit from your hard work. I pray you don't leave permanently. Sometimes we all need a little breather, no?


stacy nicol said...

What a brilliant question! I am pondering Kathleen ... and I love to ponder!

Peggy, I am so glad you are blogging...I check your posts daily. Even if you post when you are upset...you are inspiring.