Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hard knock life

Well I have been learning a few lessons from the book of Hard Knox. Man am I tired. I think I am failing the test because it seems that things are not easing up. Its moment like this I think Of the Song from Annie Its a hard knock life. Although I do have warm blankets and hot food.....
Maybe I should Hire a choreographer to help make life a little better, or maybe I'll just try a hands free cart wheel. That should make everything better.

I am aware that it is a lesson I am to be learning and not just pain that I should be feeling. I feel happy today.
I am working on personal acceptance meaning that when the house is a mess and The kids are running around screaming that it is that way because it is a home filled with love and its OK for me to sit and read. I have taken a lot of pressure Off myself that I was putting on myself. Its that constant pressure for perfection that I was no where near attaining anyway so I gave it up. Guess what happened? Life got happier, the kids are more co operative and I feel better. Just by letting go of that perfection that was always just out of my reach. One step at a time. One small step. By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.
I am the Vice president of a newly formed organization called Leadership Education Association of Family and Friends, LEAFF. In the meeting over the phone this morning the president said that last quote by small and simple things are great things come to pass and we that she was a simple thing and I will add my part, I too am a simple thing.

1 comment:

stacy nicol said...

You looked lighter today Peggy. I am grateful that you reminded me of letting go - Thank you for your words.

By small and simple things...I am small and simple too!