Monday, October 20, 2008


I am moving to

Sunday, October 19, 2008

What is Off The Conveyor Belt?

I have been emailing back and forth with a young friend of mine. The last email I sent her got me to thinking a bit about the all cursed and dreaded conveyor belt.
Now in the Tjed world the conveyor belt can and usually means the public school system. Dr. Demille choose a conveyor belt analogy because it shows everyone going along getting the same thing at the same time regardless of talents, interests, or personality.
I have also discovered that our current public school system is based on the Prussian Factory model.
Alvin Toffler said in his book the Third Wave,
"Built on the factory model, mass education taught basic reading, writing, and arithmetic, a bit of history and other subjects. This was the 'overt curriculum.' But beneath it lay an invisible or 'covert curriculum' that was far more basic. It consisted - and still does in most industrial nations - of three courses: one in punctuality, one in obedience, and one in rote, repetitive work. Factory labor demanded workers who showed up on time, especially assembly-line hands. It demanded workers who would take orders from a management hierarchy without questioning. And it demanded men and women prepared to slave away at machines or in offices, performing brutally repetitious operations."
I have only found this quote, I have not read the book but plan to in the near future. Actually I think its on my book shelf right now. Great I can it start today.

So that all being said, is Public school a bad thing? In my opinion...No, its not.
If we know what educational program we are putting our children into and studied it out, like any method of educating our children should be studied out, we can at home overcome the deficiencies of any educational program.
Dr. Demille encourages us to get off the conveyor belt. I know of and have been one of those people who when I first heard this concept thought "Ok, I'm off that conveyor belt, but it feels so comfortable to be on one that I will now get on this Tjed conveyor belt." But guess what that's not right either. If our end goal is to have a superb liber education, or as the Demilles say on their new website, an education to match our mission, then we need to be off all conveyor belts. Including the Tjed conveyor belt.
A friend of mine has defined off the conveyor belt and I think I will stick with it.

"To me on the conveyor belt is when I am going with the flow of society, friends,
family or whoever instead of prayerfully seeking out what is best for
each individual child and their needs and then following that path for
that child. I am off the conveyor belt when that individuals
spiritual, educational, emotional and social needs are being met in
the way I'm being inspired to fulfill them, no matter what form that
may look like or take. I know I'm on the 'conveyor belt' when I don't
feel comfortable with the way things are progressing and off when I
know deep inside that what I'm doing is right no matter what other
outside voices may say.
To me conveyor belt is not some taboo system, or formal education
but more of doing what others are doing without really questioning it
and studying it out in my mind and asking God if it is best for me and
my family in our circumstances. Thus public school may or may not be
conveyor belt as well as TJED or any other system of education."

I have also come to the conclusion that you can be in public school and off the conveyor belt.
This is not an announcement that I am putting my kids back in public school. No I still feel they are doing better, for what they need, at home.
Thank you for listening to my ramblings on the Conveyor belt.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My mission your mission

O.K. so we know that I dabble in the way of believing that all people were sent to earth to fulfill a mission. I believe that every single person born was sent here to complete a work of some sort or another. I also believe that everyone has a different one or a different way to go about it. A trap we can sometimes find ourselves in is coveting the mission of another person just as we covet another persons talent. I had a hard experience in this a few weeks ago and almost lost a friend. She is forgiving and things are better now.
If you follow the principles of Leadership Education as outlined in "Thomas Jefferson Education" by Dr. Oliver Demille. He outlines 7 or so missions (not in the book) and a dear friend of mine as added a few more to the list.
They are as follows
-Feed the Hungry
-Heal the sick
-Comfort the Lonely
-Create Beauty
-Preach the gospel/ Spread Truth
-Liberate the Captive
-Educate the ignorant

-Protect the innocent
-Ad Minister

I think some of the wording could be reworked but I hope you get the general idea. The last 2 my friend and mentor has added to the list so I keep them with my list.
Educate the ignorant could be taken as bad form so I would like to call it "educate the unlearned". (this is not my epiphany it came from a dear friend, but is one I agree with)
Some go hand in hand, Like spread truth, Liberate the captive, and educate the unlearned. They can be taken as interchangeable and the same thing, at least for me.
For example my mission is to liberate the captive. I am going to fulfill that mission by educating the unlearned and spreading truth.
I am really looking into Earl Shorris' project of the Clement course. I feel a real pull to it. He has created a program that helps to get people living in poverty out of poverty by teaching the humanity's. He created a free course, provides bus tokens for transportation, childcare, and a meal. The books are covered and he gets actual University professors to teach the courses. They study philosophy, poetry, literature, and American history.
There are a few classes in Canada at this time. There is one in Calgary, Vancouver, Halifax. I think they change the curriculum slightly to make it more adaptable to Canadians. They have one course in the Yukon and it is taught in the native Inuit language. There area few in Mexico that are taught in Spanish and other Native languages.
The whole thing is absolutely genius and I cry every time I read about it. That's what I want to do. I want to liberate the captive by teaching them how to think.
Here is the real kicker. I have to get the education first.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What I learned from The discussion on Core phase.

I learned:
1. I am not alone in my trials
2. Not all people necessarily see Core phase the same way I do.
3. I have really great and spectacular kids.
4. That it is possible to not like someone but to love them anyway. (very strange)
5. I have found and am living my mission and it is so exciting.

I want to have another discussion on core phase and see how different people view it. I want to hear peoples obstacles, and successes.
Did I strengthen and uplift? I really don't know. I felt much better when I left so I was uplifted.
If you read my blog and understand what Core phase as Tjed explains it is, will you please respond and tell me what you think of it....? Please...?

Monday, October 6, 2008

My First Core Phase for moms day

Well, I have asked a very kind lady to host a project for me. Its not a hard one. I want to host what I call "Time Out for Core phase moms". I am stealing the title a bit from Time Out for Women that Deseret books put on. If I am infringing on rites I can change the name. Besides I doubt it will get that popular.
It is a group of moms getting together having a colloquium on and about Core Phase. What we have learned from it, what it looks like in our homes, where we feel we are going with it. Life experiences they may want to share. The main idea I want to give people from it is that they can do it. It is possible amid the chaos or the lack there of, that core phase is possible, natural and necessary. I am hoping to strengthen them in their resolve.
I am going to write an outline of what I hope is discussed but I will also honour the natural flow of how it happens.
I am excited and nervous at the same time.
I am also planning, with their permission, to take their wisdom nuggets and put it in the paper I am going to write on Core Phase.
I will report how it went tomorrow.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Crazy times

We have been pretty busy around here. I have taken one 3 ton truck load to the dump and there is still more. I feel lighter already.

We took the kids to the Zoo and had a blast.
Megan started what she called the Entrepreneurship club. She invited a few friends and they worked together all summer raising money. They had a car wash, a bake sale, a bottle drive and we sold goodies at the local fair in July. They made almost $150 and they wanted to spend the money by going to the Zoo.
We has a good time 2 other families came a long with us. Some of the kids didn't make it out of the parking lot awake.

De cluttering, Going to the Zoo, Girl Guides. It has been busy.

I read some great books. The Ugly American, Reading Lolita in Tehran, trying to get through Walden, but just to show my literal ignorance, I think I would rather gnaw off my leg. Some people say it changed their lives and they have reevaluated everything. I am wondering when that happens?